Dokumendiregister | Siseministeerium |
Viit | 14-13.1/81-1 |
Registreeritud | 07.03.2022 |
Sünkroonitud | 25.03.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 14 Euroopa Liidu toetusmeetmete väljatöötamine, rakendamine ja järelevalve teostamine |
Sari | 14-13.1 Perioodi 2021-2027 EL toetuse planeerimise dokumendid |
Toimik | 14-13.1 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | European Commission Directorate-General Migration & Home Affairs |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | European Commission Directorate-General Migration & Home Affairs |
Vastutaja | Tairi Pallas (kantsleri juhtimisala, varade, planeerimise ja tehnoloogia asekantsleri valdkond, välisvahendite osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Saatja: Tairi Pallas <[email protected]> Saadetud: 04.03.2022 17:28
Adressaat: SiM info <[email protected]> Teema: FW: HOME-Funds/2022/09: Financial needs following the Ukrainian crisis
Manused: image001.gif; image004.jpg; image005.jpg; image006.jpg; image007.jpg; Note to the Committee on financial needs following the Ukrainian crisis.pdf
Tere Palun manuses olev kiri registreerida ja mulle täitmiseks suunata tähtajaga 11.03.2022. Tairi Pallas 75029
From: [email protected] <HOME-AFFAIRS-FUNDS- [email protected]> Sent: Friday, March 4, 2022 5:20 PM To: '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'BMI-V- [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; HR N Ploskonka <[email protected]>; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; DK Morten Larsen Nonboe <[email protected]>; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; [email protected]; [email protected]; Alanne Artsi SM <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; FT Delphine Palmer <[email protected]>; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; EL Theofanis Papadopoulos <[email protected]>; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; IE Ronan McCabe <[email protected]>; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; IE General <[email protected]>; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'IT) Italy PR' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; LT Laura Pereviciute <[email protected]>; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'jha- [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; LU Maria Schickes <[email protected]>; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; MT Anthony Camilleri <[email protected]>; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; PT Susana Monteiro <[email protected]>; PT Gabriela Petersen <[email protected]>; RO Andrei Turcanu <[email protected]>; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; RO Adrian Ailenei <[email protected]>; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Eva Kovalová <[email protected]>; SK Blanka Timurhan <[email protected]>; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Álvaro García-Rosales Sanz <[email protected]>; Antonio Salvador Salvador <[email protected]>; ES Luis Simo <[email protected]>; '[email protected]'; ES Daniel Belmar Prieto <[email protected]>; 'sgpgims.area- [email protected]'; ES FAMI FMB <[email protected]>; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; [email protected]; NL Koen van Driel <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; NL Marieke Heikens <[email protected]>; [email protected]; NL Monique Besseling <[email protected]>; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; NO FMB <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected]; AT <[email protected]>; AT <[email protected]>; AT <[email protected]>; AT <[email protected]>; AT <[email protected]>; AT (MoI Unit II/3/d) <[email protected]>; AT Astrid KOZAK <[email protected]>; AT Bernadette Zsoldos <[email protected]>; AT Bernhard Hoffmann <[email protected]>; AT Christina Trapp <[email protected]>; AT Dominik KACPRZAK <[email protected]>; AT Gerhard Sulz <[email protected]>; AT Gernot BAUMANN <[email protected]>; AT Gundula Windtner <[email protected]>; AT Mathilde-Beate WOLF <[email protected]>; AT Ratko Simic <[email protected]>; AT Ratko Simic <[email protected]>; AT Rene Delevigne <[email protected]>; AT Rudolf Rotter <[email protected]>; AT Sanja Selak Ostojic <[email protected]>; AT Silvia Schabenboeck <[email protected]>; AT Simon PRAMMER <[email protected]>; AT Tanja Moser <[email protected]>; AT Thomas Muehlhans <[email protected]>; AT Vanessa Reiner <[email protected]>; BE (SOLID) Els Vanobberghen <[email protected]>; BE Alexandra WEERTS <[email protected]>; BE AMIF-ISF <[email protected]>; BE Annelieke Carlier <[email protected]>; BE Isabelle Raes <[email protected]>; BE Magdalena Irzycka <[email protected]>; BE Philippe Rosseel <[email protected]>; BE Stijn Lenjou <[email protected]>; BG ((SOLID EIF) Vanya Tividosheva <[email protected]>; BG (SOLID) Aleksandrina Nikolova <[email protected]>; BG Krasimir Ushnev <[email protected]>; BG Petkova <[email protected]>; BG SOLID <[email protected]>; BG SOLID Emilia Georgieva <[email protected]>; CH Alexander Zwahlen ISFB <[email protected]>; CH Flurina Bertapelle Polit ISFB <[email protected]>; CH Jerome Chabbey <[email protected]>; CH Karim Mhedbi <[email protected]>; CH Lea Truttmann <[email protected]>; CY Andia Savva <[email protected]>; CY Anna Pissaridou <[email protected]>; CY Christina Hadjieconomou <[email protected]>; CY Constantinos Kyprianou <[email protected]>; CY Demetris Koutsoyiannis <[email protected]>; CY Doris Constantinou <[email protected]>; CY Elena Fzsentzou <[email protected]>; CY Elena Savvidou <[email protected]>; CY Maria Loui <[email protected]>; CY Marina Kafkalia
<[email protected]>; CY Natasa Tsiolakki <[email protected]>; CY Sophia Theodosiou <[email protected]>; CY Stella Christodoulidou <[email protected]>; CZ David Votava <[email protected]>; CZ Eva Klimova <[email protected]>; CZ Ondrej Houda <[email protected]>; DE <[email protected]>; DE <[email protected]>; DE <[email protected]>; DE <[email protected]>; DE B4 <[email protected]>; DE Bundeskriminalamt <[email protected]>; DE Christian Kahlefeld <[email protected]>; DE Claudia Schaudig <[email protected]>; DE Division EU1 <[email protected]>; DE Lars Langethal <[email protected]>; DE Mareike Heinz <[email protected]>; DE Mark Berges <[email protected]>; DE OESI <[email protected]>; DE Shatin Kowalewski <[email protected]>; DE Silke Beerman (Ms) <[email protected]>; DE Sonja SCHNABL <[email protected]>; DK Jesper Egevang <[email protected]>; DK Morten Larsen Nonboe <[email protected]>; DK Morten Nykjær Krøjgaard <[email protected]>; Aivi Kuivonen <[email protected]>; EE Aile Peris <[email protected]>; Kristi Lillemägi <[email protected]>; Martin Eber <[email protected]>; Tairi Pallas <[email protected]>; EL <[email protected]>; EL Konstantinos Iliopoulos <[email protected]>; EL Anastasia Michalopoulou <[email protected]>; EL Athanasios DALAMAGKAS <[email protected]>; EL Chalvatzi Giannoula POLICE <[email protected]>; EL Integration Fund <[email protected]>; EL Konstantina Koutroutsou <[email protected]>; EL Konstantinos Soulos <[email protected]>; EL M Karavias <[email protected]>; EL Theofanis Papadopoulos <[email protected]>; EL Vassiliki BARTZI <[email protected]>; ES <[email protected]>; ES Alvaro Garcia-rosales <[email protected]>; ES AMIF <[email protected]>; ES Antonio Salvador Salvador <ÁlvaroGarcía-RosalesSanz<[email protected]>; AntonioSalvadorSalvador <[email protected]>; ES Cari Garrido <[email protected]>; ES Colgan Jordi <[email protected]>; ES Daniel Belmar Prieto <[email protected]>; ES FAMI FMB <[email protected]>; ES Francisco GARCIA <[email protected]>; ES Galade Bastida <[email protected]>; ES JL GARCIASAN <[email protected]>; ES Jose Carlos CICUENDEZ GALLEGO <[email protected]>; ES Luis Simo <[email protected]>; ES mailbox RA <[email protected]>; ES Ramon Garcia Jimenez <[email protected]>; FI _central email <[email protected]>; FI Alanne Artsi <[email protected]>; FI Sanna Virtanen <[email protected]>; FR <[email protected]>; FR AMIF Audrey Wiltshire <[email protected]>; FR AMIF Mathilde COMET <[email protected]>; FR Anne Comes <[email protected]>; FR dci-fsi <[email protected]>; FR ffe-fr-dgef <[email protected]>; FR Hatice Huyuk <[email protected]>; FR Louise Haden <[email protected]>; FR Matthieu Leblic <[email protected]>; FR Melodie Facelina <[email protected]>; FR Quentin Drouot <[email protected]>; FT Delphine Palmer <[email protected]>; GR A Lesta <[email protected]>; GR Chalvatzi Giannoula POLICE <[email protected]>; GR E Karagianni <[email protected]>; GR Florentia Vokotouzi <[email protected]>; GR I Gravias <[email protected]>; GR PMI <[email protected]>; GR SPA <[email protected]>; HR <[email protected]>; HR <[email protected]>; HR <[email protected]>; HR Ana MIKLENIC NOVACIC - ISF B <[email protected]>; HR Davor Perkovic <[email protected]>; HR Mislav Lausic <[email protected]>; HR Monica Brac Jugovic <[email protected]>; HR N Ploskonka <[email protected]>; HU Judit Toth <[email protected]>; HU Szilvia Szedo <[email protected]>; IE Conor Kelly <[email protected]>; IE Daniel Ross <[email protected]>; IE Daragh Solanty <[email protected]>; IE General <[email protected]>; IE Keith Walsh <'[email protected]'>; IE Ronan McCabe <[email protected]>; IE Sheahan Aisling <[email protected]>; IE Sonja Cleary <[email protected]>; IE Wayne Williams <[email protected]>; IS Arni Gislason
<[email protected]>; IS Bergur Sigurjonsson <[email protected]>; IS vms <[email protected]>; IT (AMIF Technical Secretariat) <[email protected]>; IT (ISF Technical Secretariat) <[email protected]>; IT AMIF Technical Secretariat <[email protected]>; IT Gabriella Faramondi <[email protected]>; IT Mara Dilullo <[email protected]>; LI Heinz Duenser <[email protected]>; LI Lukas WILLBURGER ISFB <[email protected]>; LI Tamara FARRER <[email protected]>; LI Ulrich VON LIECHTENSTEIN <[email protected]>; LT AMIF Bytautas <[email protected]>; LT AMIF Dovile Kinaitiene <[email protected]>; LT AMIF Gerikaite <[email protected]>; LT AMIF Krupaviciute <[email protected]>; LT Dalia Trinkuniene <[email protected]>; LT Laura Pereviciute <[email protected]>; LT Rasa Butkiene <[email protected]>; LT SOLID EIF+ AMIF Dovile Jegerskaite <[email protected]>; LT Violeta PLOTNIKOVIENE-ISF <[email protected]>; LU Adisa CALAKOVIC AMIF <[email protected]>; LU AMIF mailbox <[email protected]>; LU Cadia HARDY <[email protected]>; LU Claudia CARVAS <[email protected]>; LU Conny Heuertz <[email protected]>; LU Leon Ludovicy <[email protected]>; LU Marc Binz <[email protected]>; LU Maria Schickes <[email protected]>; LV DA AMIF Evija VARNA <[email protected]>; LV Janis Zvilna <[email protected]>; LV Marija Samoilenko <[email protected]>; LV Ramona Innusa <[email protected]>; LV Santa Sproge-Rimsa <[email protected]>; SE fondsekretariatet <[email protected]>; MT Abigail B. Camilleri <abigail.b.cami [email protected]>; MT Anthony Camilleri <[email protected]>; MT Bernadette Baldacchino <[email protected]>; MT Debbie Cachia <[email protected]>; NL Hein Koller <[email protected]>; NL Heynens <[email protected]>; NL J. Zinsmeester <[email protected]>; NL Koen van Driel <[email protected]>; NL m.w.j.craenen <[email protected]>; NL Marieke Heikens <[email protected]>; NL Monique Besseling <[email protected]>; NL N, Kelly <[email protected]>; NL Van Walsem <[email protected]>; NO (ISF) Peder Berrefjord Osa <[email protected]>; NO Ingvil Louise Nurnberg <[email protected]>; NO Maiken Weidle <[email protected]>; NO Vilde Trosterud Holmen <[email protected]>; PL Paulina Babis <[email protected]>; PL Katarzyna DARGIEL <[email protected]>; PL Maciej Kaczorowski (RA) <[email protected]>; PL Mariusz Kasprzyk <[email protected]>; PT Cristina Sousa <[email protected]>; PT DA ISF P Mailbox <[email protected]>; PT Gabriela Petersen <[email protected]>; PT Graca Frias <[email protected]>; PT Marcelo Mendonça de Carvalho <[email protected]>; PT Ricardo Carrilho <[email protected]>; PT Susana Monteiro <[email protected]>; PT Tatiana Botelho <[email protected]>; RO <[email protected]>; RO 1 <[email protected]>; RO Adrian Ailenei <[email protected]>; RO Andrei Turcanu <[email protected]>; RO Crina Bratanov <[email protected]>; RO Oana Cozma <[email protected]>; SE <[email protected]>; SE Alma Husovic <[email protected]>; SE AMIF Taina Backstrom <[email protected]>; SE Anna Svensson MFF Expert Group Contact <[email protected]>; SE Christina Jansson <[email protected]>; SE Henry Mårtenson <[email protected]>; SI <[email protected]>; SI Erik Kern <[email protected]>; SI <[email protected]>; SI Simona Brescanski <[email protected]>; SK Daniel Podharsky <[email protected]>; SK Denisa Valacsaiova <[email protected]>; SK Eva Kovalova <[email protected]>; SK Jana Krivickova <[email protected]>; SK Katarina Nadova <[email protected]>; SK Kkatarina Maliarikova <[email protected]>; SK Lucia Mikusova <[email protected]>; SK Lucia Pavlovicova <[email protected]>; SK Maria HUDEKOVA ISF P <[email protected]>; SK Maria Trubenova <[email protected]>; SK
Peter Majercik <[email protected]>; SK Simon Sestak <[email protected]>; SK Stefan Sido <[email protected]>; SK Tomas Bendl <[email protected]>; SK Valeria Valachovicova <[email protected]>; SK Vladimira Zacharidesova <[email protected]>; (AT) Angelika Hable <[email protected]>; (AT) Diane ANGERMUELLER <[email protected]>; (AT) Gudrun PABST <[email protected]>; (AT) Ines PRAINSACK-WARD <[email protected]>; (BE) Christophe Jansen <[email protected]>; (BE) Emilie Breyne <[email protected]>; (BE) Virginie JACOB <[email protected]>; (BG) Dimana Doynova <dimana.doynova@bg->; (BG) Naum Tsekov <[email protected]>; (CH) Christophe Zufferey <[email protected]>; (CH) Mailbox <[email protected]>; (CZ) David Vondracek <[email protected]>; (CZ) MAILBOX <[email protected]>; (CZ) Martin SUSTR <[email protected]>; (DE) Migration <[email protected]>; (DE) Security <pol- [email protected]>; (DK) Eydbjorn Djuurhus <[email protected]>; (DK) Marie Louise Gammelgaard-Larsen <[email protected]>; (DK) Sebastian BYCH <[email protected]>; (DK) Yassmina Amadid <[email protected]>; (EE) Mailbox <[email protected]>; [email protected]; (EL) Leonidas NIKOLOPOULOS <[email protected]>; (EL) RP mailbox <[email protected]>; (EL) Symeon KELETZIS <[email protected]>; (EL) Vrasidas ALEXOPOULOS <[email protected]>; (ES) Blanca Brenosa <[email protected]>; (ES) Jesus Fernandez <[email protected]>; (FI) Jutta Gras <[email protected]>; (FR) Agnès REBUFFEL-PINAULT <[email protected]>; (FR) Jacques De-Granrut < [email protected]>; (FR) JAI Bruxelles <[email protected]>; (FR) Marie- Christine Jaunet <[email protected]>; (FR) Rodolphe MAUGET <[email protected]>; (FR) Yildiz ATIS <[email protected]>; (HR) Ani Franicevic <[email protected]>; (HR) Hrvoje Vencl <[email protected]>; (HR) Marijan Jelinek <[email protected]>; (HU) Istvan Takacs <[email protected]>; (HU) Péter OROSZ <[email protected]>; (IE) Mailbox <[email protected]>; (IS) Valgerdur Maria SIGURDARDOTTIR <[email protected]>; (IT) AMIF Carmelita AMMENDOLA <[email protected]>; (IT) Italy PR <[email protected]>; (LI) Mailbox <[email protected]>; (LT) Gintare GEIMANAITE <[email protected]>; (LT) Lina CHARASAUSKAITE <[email protected]>; (LT) Mailbox <[email protected]>; (LU) <[email protected]>; (LU) Tom Loehr ISF <[email protected]>; (LU) Zoe LINDEN - AMIF <[email protected]>; (LV) Kaspars Abolins <[email protected]>; (MT) Mailbox <[email protected]>; (MT) Roberta GATT <[email protected]>; (NL) Jan Rinia <[email protected]>; (NL) Mailbox <BRE- [email protected]>; (NO) <[email protected]>; (NO) Jan Olav FRANTSVOLD <[email protected]>; (NO) Marianne DJUPESLAND <[email protected]>; (PL) Mariusz BOGUSZEWSKI <[email protected]>; (PT) Mariana SOTTO MAIOR <msm@reper->; (PT) Mario Magalhaes <[email protected]>; (PT) Nuno Brito <reper@reper->; (RO) Ovidiu DOBLEAGA <[email protected]>; (RO) Raluca SEUCAN <[email protected]>; (SE) Eva Schultz <[email protected]>; (SI) Mailbox <[email protected]>; (SI) Matej TORKAR <[email protected]>; (SI) Nina ANTOLOVIC-TOVORNIK <nina.antolovic- [email protected]>; (SI) Rudolf KANISKI <[email protected]>; (SI) Stasa NUNIC <[email protected]>; (SI) Tanja ERHATIC <[email protected]>; (SI) Tjasa SKREBLIN <[email protected]>; (SK) Mailbox <[email protected]>; (SK) Vladimir SIMONAK <[email protected]>; SK Blanka Timurhan <[email protected]> Subject: HOME-Funds/2022/09: Financial needs following the Ukrainian crisis
TÄHELEPANU! Tegemist on väljastpoolt asutust saabunud kirjaga. Tundmatu saatja korral palume linke ja faile
mitte avada!
Dear Committee Members, Attached please find note: HOME-Funds/2022/09: Financial needs following the Ukrainian crisis. The AMIF-ISF Committee Members are in Cc of this email, as the note covers funding under the 2014-2020 programmes. (Please note that the reference number of this note is HOME-Funds/2022/09, however due to a technical issue it is not visible in the attachment) with kind regards, the secretariat of the committee
European Commission Directorate-General Migration & Home Affairs
Unit E.1: Funds Programming & Agencies Coordination
Office LX46 05/058 | 46 Rue de Luxembourg | B-1049 Brussels | Belgium
Follow us: | |
Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË - Tel. +32 22991111 Office: LX46 05/178 - Tel. direct line +32 229-84318
Directorate E – HOME Affairs Funds
The Director
Brussels HOME.E.1/GC
Subject: Financial needs following the Ukrainian crisis
Dear Members of the Committee for the Home Affairs Funds,
In response to the recent tragic war events in Ukraine, we are called to join our forces to
respond to the crisis quickly, effectively and at all levels. By this note, I would like to
inform you about a number of initiatives that we are taking as regards the use of the funds
currently available, as well as to call for your collaboration to give a strong boost to the
process of adoption of the new programmes for the programming period 2021-2027.
First, since we are clearly facing an emergency situation, we are considering options for
reinforcing and mobilising quickly the funding available for emergency assistance, notably
in view of addressing immediate and urgent needs in the Member States mostly hit by the
In addition, in light of the relatively limited resources that are currently available for
emergency assistance, we are exploring the possibility to facilitate access to unspent
financial resources for the 2014-2020 programming period. This could take the form of
extending by 1 year the eligibility and implementation period for the three Funds, as well
as to increase flexibility in the use of the budgetary allocations available under the AMIF
programmes. We are confident that those undertakings could limit the risk of funding not
being fully spent, while permitting to re-prioritise the spending under your 2014–2020
programmes towards new needs linked to the Ukrainian crisis.
While those initiatives will give you better possibilities to optimize the use of the funding
currently available under the 2014-2020 programmes, it is extremely important to intensify
our joint efforts for a smooth and quick adoption of 2021–2027 programmes, as the bulk of
funding is in fact available there.
Let me recall that, overall, the Commission disposes of a period of up to 5 months to
approve each programme submitted, without counting the time consumed by the Member
States for revising the programmes following observations sent by the Commission1. Based
on experience, it seems very difficult to complete the adoption process within a shorter
1 In accordance with Article 23(4) of the Common Provision Regulation (CPR) (Regulation (EU) 2021/1060
of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 June 2021)
The adoption of the programmes will not only permit to start rapidly their concrete
implementation on the grounds, but also to avoid any risk of losing part of the funds. In
fact, a late adoption of the programmes (i.e. going beyond the end of the year 2022) would
negatively affect two elements of programming:
1. Concerning the initial allocations to the Member States programmes, the 2022
commitment appropriations for any programme not adopted (or not ready to be
immediately adopted) by the Commission by the end of this year 2022 will be lost for the
Member States concerned2.
2. In addition to the initial allocations, the commitments relating to the EU budget for
2021 for the part of the Thematic Facilities to be implemented in shared management
(including allocations for Specific Actions, resettlement and humanitarian admission), will
be lost if not included in an adopted programme before the end of the year3.
Consequently, it is of utmost importance that Member States having not yet submitted one
or more of their Home Affairs Funds programmes will do so as soon as possible (the same
applies to those programmes that were submitted, but immediately returned by the
Commission as incomplete or not sufficiently mature). Please, also be reminded that since
the HOME Affairs Funds do not fall under the scope of the Partnership Agreement, the
submission of the HOME Affairs Funds programmes is not subject to the previous or
concomitant submission of the Partnership Agreements.
In this regard, I would be grateful if the Member States concerned could inform us by
email of the indicative planned date of submission of the programme(s) that they have not
yet submitted (or re-submitted). Please address your replies to HOME-AFFAIRS-FUNDS-
Finally, I would like to underline once again the importance of correct implementation of
the partnership principle during the preparation and implementation of the programmes.
This also includes the involvement of the civil society and non-governmental
organisations. The latter are particularly relevant in the current context, given their proven
potential to play a significant role in the organisation and implementation of first
intervention activities.
My services remain fully available to provide you with any further explanations you may
need, as well as to continue providing clarifications and advice to help with the preparation
of the HOME Affairs Funds programmes, as they have been doing in the past months.
We will provide you with more information on the latest related to addressing the current
Yours faithfully,
Electronically signed
2 In accordance with Article 7 of the MFF Regulation (Council Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2020/2093 of
17 December 2020) 3 In accordance with Article 114(2) of the Financial Regulation (Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018)
Electronically signed on 04/03/2022 14:16 (UTC+01) in accordance with Article 11 of Commission Decision (EU) 2021/2121